Sunday, December 7, 2008
PLease leave me a gift!
wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
Christmas Gift Toy & MySpace Layouts at
what happens when I get bored on a sunday afternoon.
I currently have half a head of curlers. I have a very short attention span. lol
so.... bored.....
anyway, whats up?
I finished beedle the bard in about and 1 and 1/2.
so Now I'm reading breaking dawn.
later gator.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Snowball fight
Yeah... We had a snowball fight like two nights ago, and yeah, I woke up sick the next morning :(
I'm so excited!!!
:) :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I'm so childish [=
well, today after the dance winter show (which went great) I came home, put on different clothes, and Went outside and played in the snow! I made a snowman ( he was sort of short ( like me)) and snow angels, and wrote a message. yep yep yep.... fun fun fun! then I came in and changed because MY BUTT WAS COLD FROM MAKING SNOW ANGELS!!! :P ( holy cow I spelled angels right. usually I put angles) soo...... It was awesome.
and yes, I actually put shoes on. I know. I feel awful about it, but, I didn't want to be sick for tomorrow because we're starting Pointe :):)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Hey- Long time no type to =]
I'm still here. xP Ive just been VERY busy!
I went to a restraunt on thanksgiving, ate alot, then went to my relatives and ate alot. Then we played pool and connect 4. ( I think I lost every time )
My Uncleish person recorded the parade so I could see a friend in it, but I was retarded and didn't notice that her myspace thing said on NBC and I didn't get to see it. >:( I'm hoping someone will upload it on youtube though. This was the first time i've seen the WHOLE parade- usually I come late or leave early. Then we sort of had a fight old kids (3) against young kids (4) They (young people) said they won-but they were the ones running from us, and we were chasing them. soo...... whos afraid now? :P
Well.... I have a dance winter show this weekend, the dress rehersal was yesterday, and the performance is today and tommorow....
oh and if anyone wants to follow me on twitter.....
I just might follow you back ;]
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
la de da de da da da twilight :)
Well beasley met fendi, fendi said some very bad words xD
twilight tonight!!!
Anyone have some scary movie suggestions?? (sleep over) (popular ones that would be on TV)
oh yeah.
So apperently I'm "demented" because I'm homeschooled. And I'm afraid of other kids. The Stupid people on the view said that. I'm SO MAD.
Apparently they havn't ever met any homeschoolers.
I really shouldn't be talking about this, its making my blood pressure rise. xP
so... have anything that could cheer me up??
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hey Yall :)
So I just found out from the terrific mugglenet that there starting to work on stuff for the deathly hallows movies!!! ahh!!!
Tomorrow I'm going to see twilight (just like every other teenage girl :P) with my two best friends and my brother. We're having a sleepover after and its going to be freaky because its going to be us three alone in the house.
There's 13 days till "The tales of beedle the bard" comes out!!!!! I think I'm going to freak out!! I HAVE to get it at midnight!!!
I need to finish "eclipse" and "the barcode rebellion" before then. (library books)
And Ally, if you read this.....
DON'T FORGET PAJAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
You got it dude!

Hey there =]
I have a piano and french horn lesson today. yay =P
For those of you who don't know, I've been playing french horn for 3 1/2 years, piano for 6 years and trumpet, erm.. like 2 years. One day I just picked up my brothers trumpet, and started playing. I would like to start another instrument soon, flute?? ( oh I can also play like 5 notes on the clarinet. oh yeah. yay me :)
I might start a christmas list today, I know my grandma will be like, do you have your christmas list ready? ;]
TTFN ta ta for now♥
Monday, November 17, 2008
Oh My Gosh, slamwich is like, and AWSOME game!!! if you don't have it, go buy it!!! You'll be laughing your head off, *caution* your hand might hurt after playing it!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Dance, Music, Ect!
Hello =]
I forgot about this till I saw lottie675 's blog link on her youtube...
Anyway, we're having a dance recital soon, and it might be a disaster. Our tap dance falls to pieces at the end! I really hope we start pointe tomorrow!!!!
Yesterday I had a band concert, I got 6th chair out of 12, so I was really happy! The bus ride there was super fun! I'm really going to start practicing piano and french horn more often, usually I practice like every third day, but I'm starting to do it everyday! We're doing Christmas music for piano, and I ♥ Christmas music!!!
Does anyone know how to follow someone on here? I saw someones blog say 0 followers, and I couldn't find the "follow" button!!!
Speaking of stalking people (yes, we were) follow me on twitter at I update it regularly!
I hope I don't forget about this again :P now I'm going to go to Y! answers and thumb down people who are like
"oh my gawsh, edward is lyke, so hawt, I've nver red harry paTter books buy twilight is lyke, s0 muchh bettar!!!"
17 days :]
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Things I'm looking forward too.
Nov. 15 Concert
'' 21 Brother comes home (and twilight)
'' 27 Thanksgiving
'' 28-29-30 dance recital
Dec. 4 Tales of beedle the bard
'' 24 Christmas Eve
" 25 Christmas!!!
My First Blog Post
Testing :]
I love smiley faces :] [: :D =P
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now I know my abc's next time wont you type with me =]
I'm still sick =[ well, I have to go do school work, later dude ;D
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